
  • Project Changes
  • Switched to pycryptodome from pycrypto.
  • Started locking versions for requirements.txt.
  • Created a sphinx based documentation site.
  • Internal Changes
  • Synced LICENSE file to use boilerplate notice.
  • Removed nist_records dependency on NistBeaconValue
  • Removed local_record_db. Most records are stored in json now.



  • Internal Changes
    • Updated for 2016.
  • NistBeacon
    • get_first_record now defaults to downloading the first record.
  • NistBeaconCrypto
    • Now computes the struct and other values for the SHA512Hash.
  • NistBeaconValue
    • Pushed struct and signature hash building into NistBeaconCrypto.
  • Project Changes
  • Coverage Tool
    • Switched from Coveralls to Codecov.


  • Internal Changes
  • NistBeacon
    • NIST_BASE_URL renamed to _NIST_API_URL, to clarify that the value should NOT be altered under normal circumstances.
  • NistBeaconCrypto
    • New helper class for signature checking of NistBeaconValue objects. This is NOT a class designed for general use!
  • NistBeaconValue
    • Added a helper class NistBeaconCrypto to handle SHA512 generation and signature checking. This means that NistBeaconCrypto needs to be the only reference for key import and signature checking. All other NistBeaconValue do not have to generate the full RSA objects.
    • Started using the now existing xmlns property directly from NIST.


  • Features
  • NistBeaconValue
    • Added a pseudo_random property. Returns a random.Random object that has been seeded with the output_value for a given NistBeaconValue.


  • Internal Changes
  • NistBeaconValue
    • Creating a beacon value will store the JSON, XML representations once. These values do not have to be computed on each json or xml property access now as before.
  • Project Changes (for Developers)
  • pylint has been added to the project and build process.


  • Bug Fixes:
  • NistBeaconValue
    • Reported issue where a xmlns value on record ended up breaking XML loading. Reported on GitHub. Since this is just a bug fix release. This xmlns value will not show up if one was to use the xml value from the NistBeaconValue object.


  • Minor documentation changes


  • Features
  • NistBeaconValue
    • Added json and xml as properties (replaces to_json() and to_xml())


  • Name changes
  • Changed from py_nist_beacon to nistbeacon
  • Changed from NistRandomnessBeacon to NistBeacon
  • Changed from NistRandomnessBeaconValue to NistBeaconValue


  • Features
  • NistRandomnessBeacon
    • Added a get_first_record method. An optional boolean flag named download allows the caller to either use the local first record object, or to download the first record directly from the NIST beacon.


  • Added a section on installation.
  • Re-do PHONY targets in Makefile
  • Update travis build steps to include 3.5-dev and nightly


  • Badges made to point to their release branches


  • General
  • Lots of documentation added through docstrings! 📝
  • NistRandomnessBeacon
  • The beacon now understands how to check the chain. Using the chain_check method on the beacon with a given timestamp value the NIST Randomness Beacon chain can be verified for integrity purposes. 🔗
def chain_check(cls, timestamp: int) -> bool:
    Given a record timestamp, verify the chain integrity.

    :param timestamp: UNIX time / POSIX time / Epoch time
    :return: 'True' if the timestamp fits the chain. 'False' otherwise.
  • NistRandomnessBeaconValue
  • ⚠️ All properties of the beacon have been placed behind @property decorators to minimize possible manipulation
  • ⚠️ verify_signature has been removed from beacon values. Replaced with ``valid_signature``
  • Introduced valid_signature as a bool property. Replaces ``verify_signature``


  • Added a verify_signature to NistRandomnessBeaconValue objects. This method returns a True or False after verifying the provided record. The record is verified using two steps:
  • First, using a combination of input data of the record, a simple message is packed to create a message. That message is then used in combination with the record’s reported signature_value and the known NIST Beacon X.509 certificate. This certificate is available for download, but is baked into the application as follows:
    • Original CER file as a string: - NIST_CER_FILE
    • Original Public Key as a string: - NIST_RSA_KEY
    • Hard copy of beacon.cer is provided at the root of the project
  • Second, the signature_value is ran through a sha512 hash to confirm the output_value is correct on the record.
  • If either of the steps are found to be invalid, verify_signature will return a False result.


  • Added to_xml, to_json, and from_json methods on beacon values


  • Initial PyPI release package