Beacon Usage

It is easy to use the beacon. Most queries are performed through NistBeacon which produces NistBeaconValue objects.

Sample Code

from nistbeacon import NistBeacon

# In the examples below I will be using 1447873020
# as my <timestamp> when required

# Current Record (or next closest)
record = NistBeacon.get_record(1447873020)

# Previous Record
prev_record = NistBeacon.get_previous(1447873020)

# Next Record
next_record = NistBeacon.get_next(1447873020)

# First Record
first_record = NistBeacon.get_first_record(download=True)

# Last Record
last_record = NistBeacon.get_last_record()

# Verify the record and the record chain
record_chain_result = NistBeacon.chain_check(1447873020)

Beacon Methods


def chain_check(cls, timestamp: int) -> bool:
    Given a record timestamp, verify the chain integrity.

    :param timestamp: UNIX time / POSIX time / Epoch time
    :return: 'True' if the timestamp fits the chain. 'False' otherwise.


def get_first_record(
        download: bool=False
) -> NistBeaconValue:
    Get the first (oldest) record available. Since the first record
    IS a known value in the system we can load it from constants.

    :param download: 'True' will always reach out to NIST to get the
                     first record. 'False' returns a local copy.
    :return: The first beacon value. 'None' otherwise.


def get_last_record(cls) -> NistBeaconValue:
    Get the last (newest) record available.

    :return: The last beacon value. 'None' otherwise.


def get_next(cls, timestamp: int) -> NistBeaconValue:
    Given a record timestamp, get the next record available.

    :param timestamp: UNIX time / POSIX time / Epoch time
    :return: The next beacon value if available. 'None' otherwise.


def get_previous(cls, timestamp: int) -> NistBeaconValue:
    Given a record timestamp, get the previous record available.

    :param timestamp: UNIX time / POSIX time / Epoch time
    :return: The previous beacon value if available. 'None; otherwise


def get_record(cls, timestamp: int) -> NistBeaconValue:
    Get a specific record (or next closest)

    :param timestamp: UNIX time / POSIX time / Epoch time
    :return: The requested beacon value if available. 'None' otherwise.